
Definition: text or graphics that, when clicked on, take the Internet user to another web page location. Links are expressed as URLs.

FirstClickSEO Commentary: The network of pages!

Link Popularity

Definition: When other web sites link to your site, your site will rank better in certain search engines. The more web pages that link to you, the better your link popularity.

FirstClickSEO Commentary: There are layers of good links and excellent links. Ask your SEO vendor to explain the difference between OK, good, and excellent in-bound links.

Link Farm

Definition: A link farm is a group of highly interlinked websites with the purposes of inflating link popularity (or PR). A link farm is a form of spamdexing, spamming the index of a search engine

FirstClickSEO Commentary: Another black hat technique. We recommend knowing EXACTLY how your SEO vendor will develop inbound links.

Link Building

Definition: Requesting links from webmasters of other sites for the purpose of increasing your “link popularity” and/or “PageRank.”

FirstClickSEO Commentary: Considerations for link building can include directory submissions and press release syndication.

Landing Page

Definition: The landing page is a web page where people go to once they click on an online advertisement or natural search listing. Landing pages are designed to be highly relevant to the advertisement or search listing and encourage users to complete a “call to action”.

FirstClickSEO Commentary: The landing page is also known as the “click through URL” or “destination URL”.Example uses of landing pages are newsletter sign up forms, download demonstration trial software and purchasing of a product or service.