
Definition: a word that a search engine user might use to find relevant web page(s). If a keyword doesn’t appear anywhere in the text of your web page, it’s highly unlikely your page will appear in the search results (unless of course you have bid on that keyword in a pay-per-click search engine)

FirstClickSEO Commentary: Keywords make up keyphrases.


Definition: a search phrase made up of keywords. See “keyword.

FirstClickSEO Commentary: The keyphrases are how people find you.

IP Address

Definition: IP Address stands for “Internet Protocol Address” and is sometimes referred to as “IP” or “Internet Address”. It is expressed as a four-part series of numbers separated by periods that identifies every sender and receiver of network data. The numbers represent the domain, the network, the subnetwork and the host computer. For example: with each number ranging from 0 through to 255.

FirstClickSEO Commentary: Each server or device connected to the Internet is assigned a unique permanent (static) or temporary (dynamic) IP address. The IP Address sometimes translates into a specific domain name.

Internal Links

Definition: An Internal Link is a hypertext link that points to another page within the same website. Internal links can be used as a form of navigation for people, directing them to pages within the website. Links assist with creating good information architecture within the site.

FirstClickSEO Commentary: Search engines also use internal text links to crawl pages within a website. The way internal links are structured will impact the way in which search engine bots spider and subsequently index pages.


Definition: A search engine’s database in which it stores textual content from every web page that its spider visits.

FirstClickSEO Commentary: The index is like the giant database that the search engine uses.